+61 414 616 233

The Whole-Self Method Program

Are you a successful woman but still feel like something is missing?   

Are you struggling with chronic fatigue, burnout, overwhelm or any other health concerns and not able to get to fix them?

Are you ready to hold space for yourself in the world, rather than just taking care of everyone else’s needs?   

Are you ready for a radical approach to owning your power?   

As ambitious , intelligent and driven women, we often push down our feminine essence and confirm to the conditioning of the modern world.   

We think we need to act like men to succeed, but denying our feminine power leaves us feeling stretched and stressed.  

As women, we have the potential to to be a positive force for change. 

This in-depth program brings together my full body of work, to help you unlock your feminine power, and feel inspired and confident. 

It will help you become an authentic, self-aware and empathetic woman who is truly happy from the inside out..

"I feel every woman is entitled to this, anyone who just wants a more enriching life. I didn’t realise I needed it until I hit rock bottom. You raise that question to yourself: am I happy in life?" - Sharlene

Drop the burnout.
Honour your needs.
Connect with joy.
Experience calm within chaos.

The Whole-Self Method Program is the ultimate transformation journey for women who feel divided inside and that something is missing - even if they don’t know what it is.

If you’re a woman who is doing everything ‘right’ but still not living a life you love, this deeply immersive program could be for you.


Small groups, powerful results.

In the Whole-Self Method Program, I work with a small and select group of women.

The intense and intimate nature of the program means I can have a maximum group size of 10 on each round of the program, so that I can create a safe and supportive environment for every woman.

Your vulnerability deserves a safe space.

Transformation will look different for everybody, and different people need different things.

This program requires you to be vulnerable, to embrace the mess along the way, and to be open to discovering new parts of yourself.

It’s not something you can half-commit to.

I’ll be with you every step of the way, keeping you connected and accountable, and listening to what you need throughout your journey.

This is for you if:


You’re a woman trying to find their feminine power in a masculine world.


You’re willing to take radical self-responsibility and do the inner and outer work.


You’re coachable and willing to be uncomfortable and challenge your current way of operating.


You’re ready for complete transformation in every area of your life and to face aspects of yourself, even when it’s hard.

Program overview: 

This is my deepest multi-layered program, with an integration of body awareness, emotional intelligence and nervous system understanding.

Over the course of six months we’ll do deep work, to help you understand your attachments, your needs vs desires, your fears, and how to discover your inner authentic, well-nourished woman.

This program is designed to work in three parts.

Part 1: Emotional Mastery: Learn the tools to master your emotions, and build an understanding of your life and the messages being sent by your body and nervous system.

Part 2: Radical Rise: Allow your feminine light to rise and let your inner masculine hold her.

Part 3: Embodied woman: Activate your boldness, your playfulness, your feminine power that is a crucial part of being a strong woman.

"That intuition that I have pretty darn strongly and I’ve spent my entire career basically suppressing it. I not only have reconnected with it, but I’m not afraid to use it, not afraid to call on it, and it’s something that’s invaluable." - Elizabeth

Grounded. Magnetic. Expansive.

This is how you’ll feel after completing the Whole-Self Method Program.  

You’ll emerge transformed and with a new perspective on life. You’ll understand yourself and every aspect of your human needs so that you can live a dynamic, vibrant, and rewarding life.  

Ten years of deep immersion and extensive study and practice have brought me to this point. 

I’ve worked through my own stuff, been vulnerable, and dug deep to fully understand myself so that I can hold and support other powerful women.  

Let me share with you the power of the Whole-Self Method Program.  

Learn more about my story. 

Connect with your emotions and your feminine nature:

Explore the emotions often perceived as chaotic and learn to navigate them to connect more deeply with your feminine essence.

The Whole-Self Method Program includes:

  • An online platform with structured course work, including 18 pre-recorded modules
  • Mini lessons and in-depth videos 
  • Worksheets and prompts to be completed weekly
  • Access to online daily support, communication and feedback
  • Group sessions where content is tailored to the needs of the group
  • Being on a journey with up to 9 other women, so that you are sharing and supporting each other in a group dynamic
  • 18 1:1 coaching sessions with Saru to provide personalised feedback and support

"I feel so much lighter from head to toe. Inflammation has shifted, my mindset has shifted, my brain fog has shifted – I’ve become a version of myself. I’m not carrying an anchor anymore." - Sharlene

At the end of this powerful six-month program,

You’ll have transformed your life and embraced your potential as a leader. 

Become someone who can: 

  • Cultivate your power from inside so that you can see the world change around you, and navigate change calmly.
  • See clearly and express powerfully in an authentic way, in any situation.
  • Transform your emotions and energy so that you access your vitality and drive for life. 
  • Heal health and relationships so that you can have strong foundations in your personal life that bring joy and allow you to lead more powerfully.

Are you ready to live a fulfilling and dynamic life?

Program participants have:

  • Healed physical issues such as chronic fatigue and burnout.
  • Advanced into higher roles or transitioned into more powerful, visible careers, leading to increased income.
  • Developed the ability to fully experience their emotions and improved communication in both personal and professional relationships.
  • Felt a renewed sense of vibrancy and aliveness, better managing challenging life situations.
  • Transformed their relationship with addictive substances like food, alcohol, and work.
  • Established a deep sense of internal safety, enabling them to take bigger risks and make bolder decisions.

Why the Whole-Self Method Program?

Confronting human emotions and learning to view life through a powerful new lens isn’t easy work. It can be vulnerable, scary, and messy.

This program is for you if you’re ready to make big changes in your life.

No two programs are exactly the same. I adapt the content and delivery to suit the individuals and dynamics of the group, ensuring every woman gets the most out of her Whole-Self Method Program experience.

The Whole-Self Method isn’t a prescriptive program. It gives you the tools and understanding to radically change the way you live your life.

"You saw where things were going and, through the mess, through the murk, through everything. You were able to point out things about me and about my responses, reactions, and thought patterns that I couldn’t even see. There is real vision that you have." - Elizabeth

Are you ready for something epic?

Join the Whole-Self Method Program

Book a suitability session


Program modules include:

Emotional Capacity



Voice & Discernment



Sense of


Facets of


Feelings & Boundaries

Trust & Receptivity

Masculine containers 

Energy Hooks & Blank Canvas

Bad Girl & Life Force

Conscious Creating

What you will receive from this work

  • Power
  • Clarity
  • Emotional mastery
  • Body awareness
  • A sense of play
  • Sensual, magnetic & intuitive power
  • Boldness & softness
  • Grace
  • Commanding energy
  • Ability to navigate change
Coming soon

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+61 414 616 233